Zwei Männer Werkleitungsbau mit Bagger

Customers trust in the versatility of cablex.

There is no more room in the cable pipes in Panamaweg in Suhr (AG). Construction work was therefore necessary in connection with the expansion of the optical fibre network in the community. Thanks to the versatility of the cablex civil works team and the trusting relationship with the customer and construction management, cablex was awarded the contract for several renovation projects.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
Author Carolin Rabea Primerova

cablex has an extensive portfolio of services that goes far beyond its core business of "network infrastructure and service". And this is an interesting added value aspect for many customers: One contact person is responsible for the implementation of several construction activities. This shortens communication channels and simplifies planning as well as cost control. The network construction project in Suhr illustrates how this also works in the infrastructure area.

Blick in eine Seitenstrasse mit einer grossen Baustelle, die sich über die gesamte Länge der rechten Fahrbahnseite erstreckt. Rot-weisse Absperrungen und Baumschienen

Customer - Technische Betriebe Suhr AG.

It's summer, it's hot and the Panamaweg in Suhr (AG) looks like a large construction site. The asphalt has been broken up, deep trenches and barriers can be seen all over the side road as well as the construction machines of the cablex civil work team. There's a lot to do!

Civil works renovation activities on the electricity and water infrastructure.

On behalf of Technische Betriebe Suhr Strom AG, cablex is laying a new 140-metre-long conduit block. Seven new polyethylene pipes are placed into the ground. From now on, the power cables for the public lighting will run through these and, depending on the planning, also the optical fibre cables for the high-speed Internet at some time in the future. In addition to this, new circular manholes are being built and a distribution box replaced.

Wasserleitung im Graben
Blick auf den neuen Verteilkasten, direkt davor ist auch ein neuer Plattenschacht zu sehen. Der Baugraben ist bereits zugeschüttet aber der Strassenbelag fehlt noch. Deshalb gibt es auch hier immer noch rot-weisse Abschrankungen.

At the same time, a new water pipe will be laid in the ground for Technische Betriebe Suhr Wasser AG. Since the water pipes are located deeper than the power lines, cablex has dug a two-metre wide step trench.

Customer - Swisscom.

After receiving a request from the construction management firm, Ballmer und Partner AG, it turned out that Swisscom also needed lay four additional pipes in the trench. This contract was also awarded to cablex.

Customer - Suhr local authority.

Due to the trench width of around 2 m and a road width of 5.20 m, it was necessary to restore the asphalting on the construction side after the work was completed. However, the Suhr local authority decided to renew the road surface over the entire width and length of the street, and cablex was awarded another additional contract in this project.

The road surface stages were planned in such a way that 30 tonnes of asphalt could be used in each stage. The road surface was laid mechanically with a Vögele Super 800i machine.

Restoration of the road surface in quick stages.

Vier cablex Mitarbeitende vor Spleissbus

Major incident – working hand in hand until the network is up and running again.

On the weekend of 21 June, several debris flows occurred in the Misox valley in southern Graubünden following heavy storms. Our technicians report.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
Kornel Reutemann Mountainbike 16-9

From the Uetliberg to the roof: Kornel shows how smart energy works.

In this episode of the series "Insights – our management up close", we go on a mountain bike tour.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
Techniker vor der Jungfrau Stage am Greenfield-Festival

We were at Switzerland's biggest rock and metal festival.

This year's Greenfield Festival attracted around 84,000 visitors to Interlaken with top acts like Green Day, Bring Me the Horizon and The Prodigy.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
Beleuchtete Autobahn bei Nacht_24-9.jpg


Creating a future-proof infrastructure with cablex.

Stefan Nünlist

Stefan Nünlist networks with employees and projects.

Stefan Nünlist's first few months in his new position were all about "meeting and greeting".

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
Zwei Techniker halten einen alten Stromzähler und einen neuen Smart Meter in den Händen.

Precision is required – every move is perfect.

The smart meter contract for the City of Lucerne's energy supplier is challenging.

Martina Strazzer 1-1
Zermatt 2024 - Hero 3-4

cablex job done – now the festival is on.

There are hardly any events or festivals in Switzerland that do not involve the cablex technician team.

Martina Strazzer 1-1
cablex Academy 24-9

cablex Academy.

The cablex Academy teaches specialist skills (competences) in the fields of network construction, service and installation. Here, focus is on the area of network construction for telecommunication.

Hero Smart Meter 24-9

Intelligent energy meters from smart cablex.

Smart meters make it possible to check electricity consumption remotely at any time

Martin mit Velo und seinem Vorgesetzten Markus an der Unfallstelle.

A bike ride with consequences!

A very personal story from the professional life of a cablex colleague.

Martina Strazzer 1-1
Headerbild PPS 24-9

Several teams with one goal: to rectify a fault.

Various departments work together from the time a fault is reported by the customer until it is rectified.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1

cablex AG

Tannackerstrasse 7

3073 Gümligen

0800 222 444