Olma 2021_Hero 16:9

Expert advice at the Olma.

The 78th Swiss Trade Fair for Agriculture and Food (Olma) was able to take place successfully in October 2021 in accordance with the 3G rule (with admission only to those who are vaccinated/recovered/tested). Four cablex technicians were on the spot – and left no customer enquiries unanswered at the Swisscom booth.

Martina Strazzer 1-1
Author Martina Strazzer

In Eastern Switzerland, the Olma has become indispensable. The special atmosphere at the Olma is unique throughout Switzerland. Not to mention the legendary Olma bratwurst sausage, which should not be missed on a visit to the fair. The organisers reported a positive balance after eleven days with as many as 220,000 visitors.

Solutions tailored to needs.

Olma connects people, while cablex networks them in the areas of communication, energy and transport. These were also the topics discussed at the Swisscom booth. Our field services technicians Sandro Stutz, Martin Staub, Silvan Loser and Stefan Kläger are out on the road every day with our customers in SMEs and the private sector. They know what they are talking about and they were able to cover all topics regarding home connections at the booth.

There were several questions on home networking which interested the visitors to the booth. Why don’t I have the same WiFi reception in all rooms? How can I change this? Where should my router be installed at home? How do I obtain a fibre optic migration and what are the benefits?

cablex had answers ready for all these issues. A number of Swisscom customers were provided with individual advice at the booth and appointments were agreed for a review of the situation or installation in their homes. Other interested parties first made enquiries about the options and products, in order to be able to make a decision later. Many visitors decided to purchase a new WiFi or TV box directly on the spot and were able to benefit from the trade fair discount.

We’ll be back – no question!

All in all, we provided very high-quality consulting services at the trade fair, as in the previous years, together with our colleagues from Swisscom. All visitors left the booth well informed and with complete confidence in us. We are confident that we will generate follow-up orders.

Ponton mit Glasfaserkabeln

New underwater cable secures infrastructure.

Storms and debris threaten a fibre optic cable in Lake Lugano: mud at the mouth of the river impairs its function - urgent replacement required!

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
Kabelzug Stockhorn

Major project on the Stockhorn – pulling cable at an altitude of 2135 metres.

Pulling cable up the Stockhorn on a stretch nearly two kilometres long with an altitude difference of 700 metres.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
Ein Monteur installiert die Infrabox

The INFRABOX makes mobile communication systems intelligent.

The smart little box enables digital remote reading and control of the infrastructure and facilitates maintenance.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
Beleuchtete Autobahn bei Nacht_24-9.jpg


Creating a future-proof infrastructure with cablex.

Three cablex employees who work flexibly for the company.

How ‘performing together’ works in Ticino

The small region in the south is particularly reliant on the flexibility of its employees.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
cablex Mitarbeiter lädt sein E-Fahrzeug

E-cars for a better environment: the sustainable strategy of cablex.

Our cablex workforce is already travelling to customer locations in a very sustainable manner with almost 1,000 electric vehicles.

Martina Strazzer 1-1
3-4 Ausbau E-Ladestation Header

cablex is expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at all locations.

cablex is expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at all its locations – a service that we also offer externally to our customers.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
cablex Academy 24-9

cablex Academy.

The cablex Academy teaches specialist skills (competences) in the fields of network construction, service and installation. Here, focus is on the area of network construction for telecommunication.

Hero Smart Meter 24-9

Intelligent energy meters from smart cablex.

Smart meters make it possible to check electricity consumption remotely at any time

Portes ouvertes Header 24-9

Open house day - bienvenue à Penthalaz!

On 20 and 21 September, cablex opened its doors at the Penthalaz site to customers, partners, interested parties, employees and their families.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
24-9 kopa

Plan construction projects sustainably and save costs.

Das Ziel ist, sich zukünftig mit anderen Unternehmen abzusprechen und die Rohre für Wasser, Energie und Telekommunikation in einem gemeinsamen Bauvorhaben zu realisieren.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1

cablex AG

Tannackerstrasse 7

3073 Gümligen


0800 222 444