Willkommen neue Lernende 16-9

NEX Welcome Days cablex – we’re ready for the apprenticeships!

This year, cablex welcomes another 16 young career starters! Eleven telecommunications-focused Network Electricians with Swiss Federal Certificate of Proficiency (EFZ) started across German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland; the two Electricians with Swiss Federal Certificate of Proficiency (EFZ) and the Assembly Electrician with Swiss Federal Certificate of Proficiency (EFZ) already started in August. In Ticino, the two telecommunications-focused Electricians with Swiss Federal Certificate of Proficiency (EFZ)and the Electrician with Swiss Federal Certificate of Proficiency (EFZ) will start on 1 September 2022. The apprentices were onboarded at the "NEX Welcome Days cablex" and are now ready to start their training.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
Author Larissa Mihalik

In German-speaking Switzerland, the NEX Welcome Day took place over two days this year as part of a pilot project. In addition to the general introduction to the company, this year’s focus was primarily on the topic of self-management. "I have the will" should be the motto of every single apprentice. cablex offers apprentices a platform to develop independently and to achieve their goals with the necessary will and a lot of initiative.

NEX Welcome Day cablex

"Getting started with an apprenticeship and in the company is formative for the ongoing career path. Dealing with questions like "Why am I needed? What can I discover during my apprenticeship? What can I achieve and what can I do?" motivates and spurs on. For this reason, we decided to conduct the pilot in German-speaking Switzerland this year with a Welcome Day that took place over two days. This gave us the opportunity to expand and supplement the content, as well as to convey the majority of the information in an action-oriented and contextualised way.

Swisscom Mediamatik apprentice Cyril Keller, who has been supporting our team since the beginning of August (Marketplace project), was responsible for the 'My apprenticeship' section. He shared his experiences as an apprentice with those beginning their apprenticeships, laying the foundation for a discussion of our cablex values in the process. Daniel Binzegger's messages afterwards were impressive in underlining the importance of already displaying curiosity and passion during one’s apprenticeship.

During these two exciting days, ideas for further meaningful and enriching content emerged – quite possibly, another day will be added next year."

– Marion Stulz, ​Professional Training

Willkommen neue Einzelbild 16-9
Willkommen neue Gruppenbild 16-9

The prospective network electrician Kerwyn Gurtner and the prospective electrician Nikola Vulovic are extremely motivated to complete their training at cablex and have already set themselves clear goals.

Interview with Kerwyn and Nikola.

We wish all new apprentices a successful start at cablex!

Vater und Sohn im Tennisduell.

Duel of the generations

Father and son deliver a powerful performance in their work for cablex.

Martina Strazzer 1-1
Safety Check-HEADER 16-9

Attention: Safety check!

Safety first – this is the guiding principle of our daily work at cablex.

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Lernende bei den Gruppenarbeiten.

cablex extends a warm welcome to its 21 new trainees.

Onboarding days with knowledge transfer and the fun factor.

Martina Strazzer 1-1
Two apprentice network electricians at work.

Apprenticeships at cablex.

Start your professional future with us. Learn more about our training professions: Certified Network electrician (VET), Certified Electrician (VET) and Certified Assembly Electrician (VET).

Freileitung Header 24-9

Overhead lines – the lifelines of the modern world.

Working on overhead lines is very physically demanding: At a height of around eight metres, strength and stamina are required.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
Greenfield 24-9

We were at Switzerland's biggest rock and metal festival.

This year's Greenfield Festival attracted around 84,000 visitors to Interlaken with top acts like Green Day, Bring Me the Horizon and The Prodigy.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
3-4 Header Mendy

Mendy on her role as a fibre optic installer.

Mendy Meichtry is a fibre optic installer at cablex in the Valais region. Daily work in fibre optics includes activities like splicing and BEP installation, but also cable pulling.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
Two cablex employees on a construction site in the countryside.

Jobs and career.

Become a part of the cablex success story. Our exciting vacancies are waiting for you.

Unsere Werte 24-9

Advantages and benefits.

Here you find an overview of the advantages and benefits at cablex.

SCS Lernende bei FS 24-9

Teams of cablex technicians train Swisscom apprentices.

The Field Services team of technicians and Swisscom apprentices: a win-win project. Our ICT technicians in the field pass on their specific specialist knowledge, and the Swisscom apprentices help them with their daily work.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
Sunrise Kleiderwechsel 24-9

Working for Sunrise with a new look.

Following the merger of Sunrise and UPC, a brand refresh has been carried out over the past year. The new clothes are now here, and our technicians have the new logo, which symbolises the sun rising, on their uniform.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1