We are happy to deal with your enquiry and will get back to you within a week. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our page for apprenticeship seekers.
Our apprenticeships.
cablex offers apprenticeships in three system-relevant professions. Learn more:
Certified Network Electrician (VET).
Certified Network Electrician (VET).
Digitalisation, social media, virtual worlds, homeschooling, smart home systems – all of these are only possible with future network construction professionals like you! Take your first step into the world of work at cablex.
No matter whether it's for electricity, telephony, internet or TV/radio in commercial or industrial buildings, as an installation professional you bring the nervous system inside buildings to life! Take your first step into the world of work at cablex.
No matter whether it's for electricity, telephony, internet or television/radio in commercial or industrial buildings – as an assembly professional, you have all the connections firmly under control! Start your professional future with us.