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Flying high – optical fibre expansion via overhead lines.

Net construction requires physical fitness, muscle power and a lot of planning. But that's not all: to avoid breakages, optical fibre must also be handled with care a great deal of care. With this in mind, it’s hard to imagine these cables can be routed via overhead lines and withstand wind and storms! The secret is the suspension cable, which gives the optical fibre cable the necessary stability...

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
Author Carolin Rabea Primerova

Overhead line installers.

Our network heroes in overhead line construction have to adapt flexibly to local conditions such as high groundwater levels or rocky subsoil.

On behalf of Swisscom, the campsite in Giswil was connected with optical fibre via overhead lines. The project was an opportunity to show how flexible the design of an optical fibre expansion can be and how adaptable cablex has to approach network construction in order to best meet local conditions. In Giswil, the overhead line team had to deal with flowing bodies of water, heavy truck traffic around the plant, a high groundwater table and soft subsoil. It was impressive to watch, but also everyday business for our experienced network construction professionals, who didn't let themselves get rattled for a second.

In the ground, over water and in the air.

The campsite’s upgrade via overhead line began in a shaft on the dam of the Sarner Aa. This shaft was rebuilt for the campsite’s optical fibre expansion. It is here, and not as perhaps expected on the mast, that the new optical fibre cable and the main cable from the exchange in Giswil are spliced in what’s called an UCN closure (splice closure). This variant has the advantage that no new spliceable (UST-KVS) mast has to be installed.

01_Hoch hinaus ‒ Glasfaserausbau via Freileitung.
02_Hoch hinaus ‒ Glasfaserausbau via Freileitung.

However, the construction of the new shaft on the dam also required additional commitment: In this case, it was necessary to ensure that no damage was caused to the dam by the excavation of the shaft trench and above all the weight of the excavator. Appropriate special permits were obtained for this purpose. Starting from the newly constructed shaft, the cable initially runs a few metres underground to the mast on the Sarner Aa dam.

From here, the aerial cable runs up the mast and is led across the river to the opposite bank. Once the aerial cable reaches the gravel plant site, it is routed back towards the ground. Due to the heavy traffic comprised of large gravel trucks, the optical fibre cable has to pulled underground in the area of the plant site. This measure is intended to prevent one of the powerful trucks from getting caught on the overhead line and damaging the optical fibre cable when driving in and out of the gravel plant.

03_Hoch hinaus ‒ Glasfaserausbau via Freileitung.
04_Hoch hinaus ‒ Glasfaserausbau via Freileitung.


Aerial cables may run underground for a maximum distance of five metres. In orderto cover a distance of 100 metres of factory premises a suitable optical fibre cable was installed in existing underground cable ducts. The "underground" cable was spliced with the aerial cable in the masts’ KVS box (grey splice box) on this side and on the other side of the factory premises.

Pendant ce temps-là …

Parallèlement, deux monteurs de lignes aériennes se chargeaient de poser le câble dans le terrain marécageux entre le camping et la gravière sur sept poteaux de 8 mètres de hauteur. Comme le niveau de la nappe phréatique est élevé, le sol dans lequel se trouvent les poteaux est très détrempé. Il faut donc sécuriser soigneusement les pylônes.

05_Hoch hinaus ‒ Glasfaserausbau via Freileitung.


On the day of the site visit, the overhead line team announced further exciting projects. So we'll soon be heading up high into the mountains of the Alpnach region.

06_Hoch hinaus ‒ Glasfaserausbau via Freileitung.
Ponton mit Glasfaserkabeln

New underwater cable secures infrastructure.

Storms and debris threaten a fibre optic cable in Lake Lugano: mud at the mouth of the river impairs its function - urgent replacement required!

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
Kabelzug Stockhorn

Major project on the Stockhorn – pulling cable at an altitude of 2135 metres.

Pulling cable up the Stockhorn on a stretch nearly two kilometres long with an altitude difference of 700 metres.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
Ein Monteur installiert die Infrabox

The INFRABOX makes mobile communication systems intelligent.

The smart little box enables digital remote reading and control of the infrastructure and facilitates maintenance.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
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Creating a future-proof infrastructure with cablex.

Three cablex employees who work flexibly for the company.

How ‘performing together’ works in Ticino

The small region in the south is particularly reliant on the flexibility of its employees.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1
cablex Mitarbeiter lädt sein E-Fahrzeug

E-cars for a better environment: the sustainable strategy of cablex.

Our cablex workforce is already travelling to customer locations in a very sustainable manner with almost 1,000 electric vehicles.

Martina Strazzer 1-1
3-4 Ausbau E-Ladestation Header

cablex is expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at all locations.

cablex is expanding the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at all its locations – a service that we also offer externally to our customers.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
cablex Academy 24-9

cablex Academy.

The cablex Academy teaches specialist skills (competences) in the fields of network construction, service and installation. Here, focus is on the area of network construction for telecommunication.

Hero Smart Meter 24-9

Intelligent energy meters from smart cablex.

Smart meters make it possible to check electricity consumption remotely at any time

Portes ouvertes Header 24-9

Open house day - bienvenue à Penthalaz!

On 20 and 21 September, cablex opened its doors at the Penthalaz site to customers, partners, interested parties, employees and their families.

Larissa Mihalik 1-1
24-9 kopa

Plan construction projects sustainably and save costs.

Das Ziel ist, sich zukünftig mit anderen Unternehmen abzusprechen und die Rohre für Wasser, Energie und Telekommunikation in einem gemeinsamen Bauvorhaben zu realisieren.

Carolin Rabea Primerova 1-1

cablex AG

Tannackerstrasse 7

3073 Gümligen

0800 222 444